Motorcycle Insurance

The feel of the wind in your face. The power you have with the flick of your right wrist. I “get it” – I used to ride myself. Motorcycles are fun! And you get noticed when you drive past someone!
There are also a whole new set of things to make sure of…. What if something happens to my passenger? What if I am injured? What if my bike is stolen? What about the $7,000 extra chrome and accessories I added on? What if my quad leaves my property?
All good questions…be certain what is important to you is protected.
We are here to help and answer your questions… Click here to send us info so that we may contact you, email us at, call 614-870-1000.
Motorcycle insurance is like auto insurance but with different specialized coverage.
Basic Coverage Options: (Law requires Liability only, but can you risk being unprotected? You can customize your options to what’s important to you!
- Bodily Injury Liability – help pay for costs related to another person’s injuries if you cause an accident.
- Property Damage Liability – help pay for damage you cause to another person’s property while driving.
By law you are required to carry state minimum coverage 25/50/25. This means you carry enough liability to cover damages if you are held liable up to $25,000 per person, $50,000 per incident with $25,000 property damage. You can elect to increase your coverage from state minimum coverage up to 250/500/100 or combined single limit (CSL) of $300,000 or $500,000.
(A combined single limit includes bodily injury and property damage in one single limit.)
Additional Coverage Options:
- Uninsured/Underinsured Bodily Injury: same options available as listed above 25/50/25 up to 500 CSL.
- Medical Payments- medical bills for you and others in/on the insured vehicle; options $1,000 – $25,000.
- Comprehensive- examples of comprehensive coverage include impact with an animal, fire, theft, riot, windstorm, hail, water, or flood. Deductible options; $100, $250, $500 or $1,000).
- Collision- You collide (run in to another object) and need to repair your motorcycle. It also repairs your motorcycle if it is hit/skip or hit by and uninsured driver. Deductible options; $100 – $1,000).
Specialized Coverages:
- Roadside Assistance Coverage – Provides towing to the nearest qualified repair facility and necessary labor at the time and place of disablement when the motorcycle is disabled within 100 feet of the roadway due to: mechanical or electoral breakdown, battery failure, fuel, flat tire, lockout or entrapment in snow, mud, water or sand.
- Trip Interruption Coverage (Roadside Assistance required) – coverage to help riders whose bikes are disabled due to mechanical breakdown or covered loss when they are more than 100 miles away from their principal residence; provides lodging, alternative transportation and food while motorcycle is being repaired.
- Enhanced Injury Protection – includes two components: an income loss benefit and death benefit.
- Carried Contents Coverage – will pay for an insured’s owned personal property that is damaged, destroyed or stolen while using the insured vehicle.
- Accessory Coverage (physical damage coverage required) – Coverage for any additional equipment that is permanently installed on the motorcycle/off-road vehicle using bolts or brackets
- Rental Vehicle Coverage (Comprehensive and Collision Coverage required) – apply in the custody of or being operated by an insured under a rental agreement with the facility or dealer that owns the motorcycle.
Discounts available:
- Multipolicy (discount on each policy joined with same insurance company)
- Advance Quote
- Motorcycle safety programs
- Motorcycle license endorsement
- Experience
- Claim Free
- Homeowner Discount
Expectable Use Unacceptable Use
Pleasure Business / Commercial
Commute Rented to Others
Off-Road Use Hired to Escort or Funeral
Now what about off-road vehicles. Are you by law required to carry insurance coverage?
It all depends. What if you use the quad around your property for maintenance? What if you have an accident on a trail where others are injured and property is damaged?
We are here to help and answer your questions… Click here to send us info so that we may contact you, email us at, call 614-870-1000.